
Our goal is to make your dream concept a commercial product, integrating our strong knowledge of ingredients and techniques to help you make the right decisions


  • Severe oxidative stress due to environmental factors including sunlight, smoking, pollution, radiation and inflammation progressively leads to cell dysfunction and ultimately cell death. Epidemiological data suggest that antioxidants may have a beneficial effect on many age-related diseases or cutaneous ageing. As antioxidants include non-enzymatic (e.g., vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, ubiquinone, glutathione, albumin) and enzymatic (e.g., catalase, glutathione peroxidase) components act as a defence by reducing peroxide concentration, neutralize free radicals and ROS via lipid metabolism and decrease ROS production.
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2050, it is estimated that 2 billion people will be older than age 60. This calls for a huge opportunity for manufacturers in the nutraceutical industry. On top of it, consumers are looking to nutrition (functional foods and nutraceuticals) meant to delay the ageing process and given this, manufacturers are well-positioned to respond. Given this data, food industries are interested in producing anti-ageing food and nutraceutical products to capitalize on the market.
  • The underlying factors in the ageing process involve the reactive oxygen species generation (ROS) with activation of transcription factors activator protein 1 (AP-1), nuclear factor-kB and subsequent signal transduction. Understanding this mechanism, our cosmeceutical scientific and research experts are dedicated to developing market-leading cosmeceuticals through various functional food and beverages-based strategies, herbal preparations, and supplements that surpass the competition derived from plants and marine organisms.

Guires FRL can be the right fit for your Anti-Ageing because we.

Sensory and Shelf Life

  1. Our prototype meets your sensory within the sphere of physical and scientific possibility by using a unique combination of ingredients without negatively affecting their colour, taste, texture and shelf life.

    Regulatory: A prototype that meets the regulatory requirement that governs food processing, including those established by the local and international regulations (e.g., FDA and EU regulations )

    Science-Based Nutrition: An evidence-based prototype that is specifically built based on science to meet the targeted consumer’s needs. In this case, the development of anti-ageing products demands the reduction of oxidation. Keeping this, our formulation scientists develop products rich in antioxidants, including botanicals

    • with carotenoids that have provitamin A (retinol) ROS Quenching activity (FDA dosage 300mg/d; 30mg/d has beneficial effects on cutaneous photoaging),
    • astaxanthin (xanthophyll carotenoid in a marine organism, 100-fold greater action than that of alpha-tocopherol, 10-fold than other carotenoids; 2mg/d with collagen 3g/d improves facial elasticity and skin barrier integrity)
    • Natural polyphenols such as resveratrol (e.g., up to 5mg are considered safe) are shown to protect against depletion of endogenous antioxidant defence enzymes and suppress NO and H2O2 production. Similarly, green tea polyphenols and soybean isoflavones were found to reduce facial fine wrinkles after supplementation.
    • Omega 3 fatty acids, probiotics, phytoestrogens, coenzyme Q10, vitamins, isoflavones, red ginseng, squalene and other lipids, polyphenols or carotenoids, hyaluronic acid, proteoglycans, and collagen peptide.
    • Botanicals such as Aloe Vera gel (1200mg/d to 3600mg/d) improved facial wrinkles and elasticity.

    we research the functional ingredients to achieve nutritargeting that has the capability to go through systemic circulation in active forms, distributed to all skin compartments, including sebum, subcutaneous fat, dermis, and epidermis, which is more efficient than applying cosmetics. We work along with manufacturers, dermatologists and physicians to test the scientific veracity of the claims.

We comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines/

  • Discovery of Ingredient or use your commodity to convert as a product
  • Nutrient research
  • Dosage formulation and strength
  • Cosmeceuticals  Product Formulation
  • Formula Review/Ingredient Assessment / Product Compliance
  • Product-specific Regulatory guidelines/standards
  • Shelf stability studies
  • Bioavailability research
  • Packaging and testing
  • Patient compliance
  • Dossier report preparation
  • Labelling and regulatory compliance
  • Label artwork and design
  • Novel Food Registration
  • Regulatory Intelligence
  • Claim consultation and substantiation
  • Guidance for Import Regulations in the UK

Guires's scientists and formulation experts identify new delivery mechanisms (such as liposomes) and research-active compounds to develop a highly functional nutraceutical product that provides the intended results. Through years of expertise and knowledge, we bring in the right solutions that fit your requirements.

At Food Research Lab, we give significance to the following aspects of developing a successful functional food product or a Nutracosmeceutical product. Any ingredient incorporated into the formulation needs to achieve its intended function in the human body at the same time must adhere to safety guidelines. At Guires, we substantiate this from many different types of scientific investigation, including secondary research for existing ingredients or, if it's novel, publishing the work in reputable, peer-reviewed journals. Data for this will also be derived from the purity and sustainability of the components (e.g., metal test), chemical comparisons and analysis, activities (e.g., ORAC or oxygen radical absorbance activities), testing in animal models, genomic/gene expression studies, in vitro bioassays and, most compelling of all, human clinical testing. Through years of expertise and knowledge, we bring in the right solutions that fit your requirements.

We follow quality measures to ensure the products are safe from both the supplier and the buyer's perspectives. We carry out Marker Chemistry (e.g., HPLC, GC etc.), Microbiology tests (e.g., Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Escherichia Coli), heavy metal analysis (e.g., lead, arsenic, cadmium kept below the regulatory limits), Contamination (e.g., metal flakes from machinery), physical characteristics (e.g., powders for tablets must have low moisture content) and stability (e.g., the time for a product from initial production). We use compendium methods (USP and European Pharmacopeia) for an extensive validation process.

We follow a specific set of regulations that a product must adhere to. This includes manufacturing flow chart, solvents, quantitative ingredient lists, physical characteristics, GMO status, certifications, radiations, pesticide/chemical/ residue, contaminants, microbiology, allergens, animal derivation, and safety (Standard Material Safety Data Sheet – toxicity or clinical testing). We ensure to assist in vetting and clearing the ingredient supplier completes clearance through the target country’s regulatory agency prior to its inclusion in formulas. Through our years of experience, our team can speed up the acceptance and inclusion of new material. Our product development team complies with the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (FDA 2009) and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (Federal Trade Commission 2011). Our team ensures to use only acceptable ingredients that are found in the INCI, International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients, allocated by the American Cosmetic Association

At Guires food research lab, we formulate food and nutraceuticals for specific anti-ageing. Guires scientific expertise partners to create winning products that meet the above requirements.

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