Low Sugar claim in cereal product development 

Low Sugar claim in cereal product development 

Cereal products can be an excellent option for a low-sugar diet when they are made with natural, unrefined sweeteners or no added sugars. Here are some strategies for developing cereal products with a low-sugar claim: 

  1. Use natural sweeteners: Using natural sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, or molasses can add sweetness to cereal products without adding refined sugars. These natural sweeteners also contain beneficial nutrients and antioxidants. 
  2. Add fruit: Adding fresh or dried fruit to cereal products can add natural sweetness and fibre while providing vitamins and minerals. Berries, bananas, and raisins are all good options. 
  3. Use sugar-free substitutes: Sugar-free substitutes such as stevia or monk fruit extract can add sweetness to cereal products without adding calories or sugar. These sweeteners are also low on the glycemic index, meaning they do not cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. 
  4. Reduce sugar content: Reducing the amount of sugar used in cereal products can reduce overall calorie intake and improve the product’s nutritional profile. For instance, a small change like reducing the amount of sugar used by 25%, can significantly affect the amount of added sugar in the product. 

When developing cereal products with a low-sugar claim, it’s essential to consider the product’s overall nutrient profile and avoid adding excessive amounts of other unhealthy ingredients such as refined flour or artificial additives. Additionally, be mindful of portion sizes and avoid consuming excessive amounts of cereal products, as even low-sugar foods can contribute to overall calorie intake if consumed in excess. 

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