The Food Research Lab mimics commercial food and beverage giants and formulates food, snacks, flavoured beverages, chews, gummies, etc. “You name it, we make it.”


Whey protein gummies 


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Today’s Task

What We did Today?

Whey protein gummies 

Event:I decided to formulate and enhance the texture of whey protein gummies.

How I felt it (initially before executing the actual task): I was thrilled to develop an innovative product.

Actual Task:Product formulationand texture optimisation

What did I learn?

Detailed and persistent research leads to a product’s success. One such product is whey protein gummies, an innovative product. The final product had an excellent sensory profile due to its aroma and fruity taste, leading to a positive sensory score. Whey protein was the primary ingredient, and zero-caloric sweeteners like sorbitol, stevia and xylitol were used. Gelatin rendered the characteristic texture and the flavour was imparted by adding fruit juices. The product was dried to analyse its texture and had a good gummy texture.  


What I did Today

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Outcome :

The Food Research Lab’s R&D contract facility formulated delicious, ready-to-eat whey protein gummies. 


What went well?

When tested for sensory analysis, the panellists liked the sweetness, flavour and colour of the product, making it a huge success 

What Could I have done better?

New formulations for whey protein gummies can be carried out with different flavours. 
