The Food Research Lab mimics commercial food and beverage giants and formulates food, snacks, flavoured beverages, chews, gummies, etc. “You name it, we make it.”




We redefined fast-casual loyalty

Today’s Task

What We did Today?

Coffee caviar   

Event: Today, I decided to formulate Protein rich Brownies

How I felt it (initially before executing the actual task): I always love to handle any project that comes with product formulation with innovation

Actual Task: Product formulation  

What did I learn?

Brownies are desserts enjoyed by most people around the world. While most of the brownies have a moderate amount of protein, today, we are going to formulate brownies with high protein content, and also, it is vegan friendly. Things to keep in mind at the time of Formulating protein-rich brownies is the proportion of ingredients added. Formulation and processing should be done with the utmost care to give the product a longer shelf life without loss of flavor. Once all the ingredients are collected, the processes involved in making brownies begin right from scratch. The developed product is then stored at ambient temperature for shelf life analysis.


What I did Today

protein brownie stage-1

Image 1

protein brownie stage-2

Image  2

protein brownie stage-3

Image  3

Formulation of Protein rich Brownies


The final product, brownie, came out good in terms of texture and taste. Further work needs to be done on shelf-life assessment.


What went well?

I have done the lab trials, and the product has come out very well. However, we would like to do further trials to study more about improving the stability of the product.

What could I have done better?

I could have carried out a better formulation for further improvement in the shelf life of the product.

The following processes were followed in the formulation of the brownie:

Stage 1: Mix all the ingredients using a blender.

Stage 2: Add the blended ingredients to a greased bowl.

Stage 3: The brownie batter is baked in an OTG at optimal temperature.


  • Customer Focused -Ingredient (Enriched Raw material)
