The Food Research Lab mimics commercial food and beverage giants and formulates food, snacks, flavoured beverages, chews, gummies, etc. “You name it, we make it.”


Oats Milk


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Today’s Task

What we did Today?

Oats milk

Event: Today, I planned to formulate oats milk

How I felt it (initially before executing the actual task): I love to formulate innovative food and beverage products.

Actual Task: Product formulation

What did I learn?

The demand for plant based milk has increased since many people prefer vegetarian/vegan diets. Oat milk is a good source of protein, vitamins, especially vitamin B1 and calcium. During oat milk formulation, things to consider are determining the quantity of oats used and selecting the right filters to avoid any sedimentation later during storage. In addition, the product should contain no added sugar and no preservatives. The process of oat milk formulation began once all ingredients were collected, with rolled oats and stabilisers. The product was then at an ambient temperature for shelf life analysis.


What I did Today

oats milk

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Outcome The R&D facility of the Food Research Lab formulated a ready to drink oat milk with no added sugar or preservatives. What went well? I have done the lab trials, and the product has come out well. However, we would like to do further trials to study more about improving the product’s stability. What Could I have done better? I should have carried out a better process as a next step with improvement in the shelf life of the product.

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oats milk

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oats milk


The R&D facility of the Food Research Lab formulated a ready to drink oat milk with no added sugar or preservatives.

What went well? I have done the lab trials, and the product has come out well. However, we would like to do further trials to study more about improving the product’s stability.

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What Could I have done better? I should have carried out a better process as a next step with improvement in the shelf life of the product.
