The Food Research Lab mimics commercial food and beverage giants and formulates food, snacks, flavoured beverages, chews, gummies, etc. “You name it, we make it.”


Instant Tomato Chutney Powder 

Tomato Chutney


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Today’s Task

What We did Today?

Instant Tomato Chutney Powder 

Event: Today, I had a planned to work on instant tomato chutney powder

How I felt it (initially before executing the actual task): I always love to handle any project that comes with product formulation with innovation

Actual Task: Product formulation


What did I learn?

Tomato chutney contains ingredients like tomato, garlic, curry leaves, salt, coldpressed mustard oil, green chillies, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and whole red chilli. The challenging part with chutney powder was the retention of aroma and a saucelike consistency. According to studies conducted by Lelise Tilahun Dufera et al., tomatoes were pretreated with different agents and dried at 50oC. It was concluded that better results were obtained by treating the tomatoes with 0.5% ascorbic acid. Based on that, today’s trial was planned with an alternative drying method of using a hot air oven with pre-treatment of tomato with 0.5% ascorbic acid at 50oC. The experimental result showed that dried tomato slices pretreated with 0.5% ascorbic acid gave the best retention of the natural colour and aroma of tomato and had excellent textural properties. 


What I did Today

Trial 1

Trial  2

Trial  3

Outcome :

An instant tomato chutney powder, which can be readily mixed and consumed was formulated at the Food Research Lab. 


What went well?

The dried tomatoes had an excellent sensorial score due to pre-treatment for their natural flavour retention. 

What Could I have done better?

Further improvements could be made to enhance the colour of the chutney powder. 
